The original concept of SIP trunking is being carried across to Voice over IP, so that the SIP providers can set up the companies with a cost-effective telephone connection to transfer their voice and data traffic.
With the advent of VoIP and common worldwide protocol (TCP/IO) a new era of global telephony kicked off. Since 2004 broadband internet connection enabled emergence of trustworthy VoIP services, and nowadays VoIP is being adopted worldwide due to its cost effectiveness and multiple advanced business features.
Each networking protocol that transfers voice and video data can be used for IP telephony. H.323 VoIP protocol was developed the first to shape how traditional telephony operations can be carried under VoIP, but it wasn`t flexible and imitated older telephone functions.
Session Initiation Protocol, or SIP for short first appeared in 1999. As it was planned to resemble more internet-friendly protocol HTTP, SIP was quickly adopted for VoIP communication. This protocol supports not only voice, but also streams video and chat.
SIP trunking is fundamental capability of the SIP protocol which empowers the ITSP (Internet Telephone Service Provider) to secure trunk connections between the public telephone network and IP-capable PBX. 
With services offered by SIP providers the company managers and employees can make VoIP calls between different branches as easy and effective as they do between departments in a single office. As a result the company can save greatly on long-distance and international calls and enjoy multiple advanced VoIP features.
Configured by ITSP SIP trunking can offer more
benefits, switching redundancy between company`s branched which secures
business continuity avoiding breakdowns such as loss of sales.
SIP Trunking, also sometimes referred to as IP Trunking or VoIP Trunking, More and more Enterprises and corporates are either upgrading and replacing their legacy network infrastructures or considering the deployment of SIP Trunking Services.