Let us see the main features Business VoIP provider offers to small and medium companies.
It is not possible for most small and businesses to be open 24 hours. It means that there will be a certain period of time during which the employees will be unreachable and won`t be able to answer the calls. Fortunately, VoIP technology makes it possible not to miss those calls and offers to convert phone messages into emails. VoIP voicemail feature could help you to enhance customer experience.
Find me Follow me
VoIP solutions include a feature called Find me Follow me. It allows to forward the incoming calls to other phone numbers or mobile devices assigned by the user. To put it short, when the employee is outside the office he still can be reached on his home number, mobile phone or tablet.
Do not Disturb
Do Not Disturb, or DND is an essential feature for employees who work with clients. For instance, if you are negotiating with a customer, you don`t want to be interrupted by a phone call. DND allows to redirecting incoming calls to voicemail or forwarding them to another employee who is able to answer it.
Each company needs to make a conference call either from time to time or on a regular basis. VoIP solutions not only support holding conference calls, but enables participants to share files, presentations and desktops, exchange messages as well as collaborate on calendars.
Auto Attendant
With this feature your business gets a bigger footprint. It allows seting up multiple numbers and have an enhanced menu system just like a big company. This system will be responsible for welcoming callers and redirecting them to corresponding departments. With this feature your company appear to be more professional, which contributes to creating a better image.
Call Recording
Call recording is vital for many companies. Calls can be recorded either to track employees` work or client satisfaction and questions. No matter what goals you want to reach by recording the calls VoIP system makes it possible to do it at at the click of a mouse. The records are stored in an audio format and can be easily played when there is a necessity.
These are just six of multiple VoIP features. If you are in the market for new solutions contact us to find out how can we help you.
Wow! Really this is blog sharing wonderful information about VoIP, thanks